Uses of Class

Packages that use SoapObject
org.ksoap2.serialization This package contains support for the Soap Serialization specification. 

Uses of SoapObject in org.ksoap2.serialization

Methods in org.ksoap2.serialization that return SoapObject
 SoapObject SoapObject.addProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a property (parameter) to the object.
 SoapObject SoapObject.addProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a property (parameter) to the object.
 SoapObject SoapObject.newInstance()
          Creates a new SoapObject based on this, allows usage of SoapObjects as templates.

Methods in org.ksoap2.serialization with parameters of type SoapObject
 void SoapSerializationEnvelope.addTemplate(SoapObject so)
          Adds a SoapObject to the class map.