Uses of Interface

Packages that use Marshal
org.ksoap2.serialization This package contains support for the Soap Serialization specification. 

Uses of Marshal in org.ksoap2.serialization

Classes in org.ksoap2.serialization that implement Marshal
 class MarshalBase64
          Base64 (de)serializer
 class MarshalDate
          Marshal class for Dates.
 class MarshalFloat
 class MarshalHashtable
          Serializes instances of hashtable to and from xml.

Methods in org.ksoap2.serialization with parameters of type Marshal
 void SoapSerializationEnvelope.addMapping(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, Marshal marshal)
          Defines a direct mapping from a namespace and name to a java class (and vice versa), using the given marshal mechanism