Package org.ksoap2.serialization

This package contains support for the Soap Serialization specification.


Interface Summary
KvmSerializable Provides get and set methods for properties.
Marshal Interface for custom (de)serialization.

Class Summary
MarshalBase64 Base64 (de)serializer
MarshalDate Marshal class for Dates.
MarshalHashtable Serializes instances of hashtable to and from xml.
PropertyInfo This class is used to store information about each property an implementation of KvmSerializable exposes.
SoapObject A simple dynamic object that can be used to build soap calls without implementing KvmSerializable Essentially, this is what goes inside the body of a soap envelope - it is the direct subelement of the body and all further subelements Instead of this this class, custom classes can be used if they implement the KvmSerializable interface.
SoapPrimitive A class that is used to encapsulate primitive types (represented by a string in XML serialization).

Package org.ksoap2.serialization Description

This package contains support for the Soap Serialization specification. Please refer to the documentation of SoapSerializationEnvelope for more detailed information.